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Type Timeline Class Tools
Packaging, Material 8 weeks Studio Cutting tools, Stovetop
Exploration, Product Design
Type Timeline Class Tools
Packaging, Material 8 weeks Studio Cutting tools, Stovetop
Exploration, Product Design
Type Timeline Class Tools
Packaging, Material 8 weeks Studio Cutting tools, Stovetop
Exploration, Product Design
A writing tool for adolescents with arthritis

Fin allows the user to write effortlessly with all fingers relaxed, in their neutral position. Inspired by organic curves, its symmetrical design is suited for both dextral and sinistral use.
Its friendly form hopes to boost confidence in adolescents to provide them with an equal platform to thrive without hindrance from physical challenges.
Medical Product Design / Branding /
6 weeks
Nihaarika, Ohad, Domenic

After interviewing doctors and parents of adolescents with arthritis, the most common problems were joint pains in fingers. This usually occurred when adolescents would be in school and hold a pen for too long. As an opportunity, we focused on designing a writing tool that would keep the hand in a neutral position and prevent fingers from gripping and pinching.

Initial form
Stiff material test
Adjustments of form
Additional finger holder
Adjustments of holder
Added more space
for fingers
The initial model was
too wide and did
not stay on
Grooves were added for stability, but the finger did not feel comfortable
Tested with pencil to determine the position of its placement
Modified the curves of the prototype to fit the hand
We started with simple ideations and created clay, wooden, and PLA models to further conduct user testing. This helped us consider varying hand sizes and grips to arrive at a universal design with two different tool sizes.
We developed a style guide and logo. The product was packaged using a PLA vacuum closure on printed cardstock.

I tested the product on an eight-year-old girl who suffers from juvenile arthritis. She had a successful experience while writing with FIN and was fascinated with the tool being her personal accessory.
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